History & Heritage of Uxbridge Festival 2021

The heritage of uxbridge festival

Sep 19, 2021 | Uncategorized

I recently found out that the Hillingdon Chamber of commerce – along with their partners – are putting on a festival about the Heritage and History of Uxbridge.

Having lived in the area for quite some time, I always find it interesting to discover the history that is right under our noses, that we often take for granted/ignore.

If you like history and want to know more about local history, then this might be the event for you.

Below is an excerpt is taken from an email that gives you a little more information about the upcoming event.

Come and join us for Uxbridge’s Festival of History and culture. It’s your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – and it’s all FREE.
Spread across two cultural filled days on Friday 1st October & Saturday 2nd October from 10am-4pm, at The Kate Fassnidge Community Hall Uxbridge.

• Discover Uxbridge’s grand heritage, community and local history.
• Visit our gallery of local images, objects and artworks on display.
• Take part in the mini- walking tour on our heritage App, seeing some of Uxbridge’s most historic places on route.
• There will be workshops and youth theatre performances from the era to see and take part in. Book your FREE tickets HERE.

The Uxbridge Partners want your feedback to respond to the GLA High Street for All Challenge to work with our communities, public institutions and businesses to develop new ideas that could deliver enhanced public spaces and exciting new uses for vacant buildings in Uxbridge Town Centre. The event will showcase historical artefacts to support the historical tour as well as promoting the local culture. Whilst there are already a number of events within the town each year we are looking to develop a new approach to attracting visitors focussing on the diverse history, and visitors centre, offering the opportunity to expand and diversify the range and number of activities for both residents, visitors and businesses to take part in. Help co-design an Uxbridge mobile App – including augmented reality and gamification. It’s your chance to have your say in what’s important in Uxbridge, and what you would like to see in future plans for the town. 

What is the High Street for All Challenge?
The High Streets for All Challenge is an invitation from the Mayor of London for local partnerships to bring forward and co-design innovative high street recovery strategies and proposals. Each strategy will address common and local challenges and underpin the public re-imagining of high streets and town centres across London. Strategies can support actions across an entire high street or focus on an innovative exemplar high street recovery project. The Challenge will kick-start the London Recovery Board’s mission to ‘deliver enhanced public spaces and exciting new uses for underused high street buildings in every London Borough’. It will underpin the formation of high street partnerships, bringing together local authorities, community and business groups, cultural and third sector organisations, anchor institutions such as universities, colleges or hospitals, and commercial interests to join forces and develop much-needed capacity to support high street and town centre renewal.

Hillingdon organisations working together to form a local partnership: 
Brunel University
Kate Fassnidge Memorial Trust
The Chimes Shopping Centre
The Hillingdon Chamber of Commerce
The Pavilion Shopping Centre
Uxbridge BID

The Challenge is supported by the London Economic Action Partnership (LEAP), and Hillingdon Council.  It will provide targeted advice and funds to inspire and help form these partnerships, prepare strategies, propose projects and test their effectiveness. It will support local engagement and promote a culture of ideas, experimentation and invention. And it will build a pipeline of schemes for future investment opportunities.
If you would like any further information on Uxbridge’s Festival of History or The High Streets for All Challenge and the Partnership’s proposal. Then please get in touch on (0)1895 545 940 or email [email protected].
MyUxbridge Admin
Author: MyUxbridge Admin

Admin and Webmaster of My Uxbridge


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