Disney Store Uxbridge Closing

Disney Store Closing Sign

Sep 1, 2018 | Information, Intu, News

*Update 2022*

During the pandemic, Disney quietly closed most of the Disney Store Locations in the UK. The nearest to Uxbridge was once Westfield but that, too, is now closed. The only store in the UK is now the London flagship store on Oxford Street.


Original Post:

It is true another of the Intu Uxbridge tent-poles is going, and what will replace it?

You may not frequent the Disney store, but it is a draw for many. Disney stores are not as prevalent as other stores in Uxbridge, all of which can be easily replaced by another local store. But Disney stores are far fewer in their numbers. The sign of the outside is redirecting us to Westfield, not that it is particularly close. Whereas if you closed down Argos, there are a few within a 5-minute drive.

(A member of staff reminded me that there is a Disney store in Watford, so It may be telling that they don’t redirect you there. perhaps more closures are looming?)

Dropping Like Flys

That is why it is a shame that we are losing what should be considered a tent pole for Intu Uxbridge. Similar to the likes of Debenhams and a few others (though gradually dwindling).

Next to the soon-to-be-closed Disney store is the empty shop that once housed the upstairs of BHS. Now empty, it acts as a pop-up shop, currently, a children’s play area.

There is a small sign that says it too is going to close, so perhaps a company has shown interest in both units. If a company has shown interest in the location, and Intu was hoping to oust Disney, it could imply a reasonably big store (one that needs all of BHS’s old first floor, and all of Disney’s floor space). But it could just be that with the end of the summer holidays, they have decided the kid’s play area is less critical.

Disney Store Closures – a Continuing Trend

There are still other empty shops, and the American candy shop has the look and feel of a pop-up shop, similar to the shops that preceded it in that location.

Toys R Us is still empty, and the sign hangs sadly above the shuttered doorways.

Why would they do this? Disney themselves aren’t struggling, perhaps the stores aren’t as profitable as they once were, but this one is.

The store is on target and exceeding it, and in fact, doing better than others in the area. So, why then, are they closing it?

As is usually the case, it seems to be about money, in particular rent.

Whether Intu wants to charge more or Disney is trying to haggle them down with all the empty units, neither one will readily budge. The outcome? A few more jobs lost, and Uxbridge losses another draw.

There are no real winners here.

So When is the Last Day of Trading?

Saturday 22nd September is Disney Store Uxbridge’s last day.

So, on a more positive note, who do you think will be going in there? If anyone does at all.

Maybe a sixth Costa, now that coco-cola has bought them?

MyUxbridge Admin
Author: MyUxbridge Admin

Admin and Webmaster of My Uxbridge


  1. Ruth Salim

    I have to say how disappointed I was when I went to Uxbridge today and found that the Disney store was closed. I have been going to this Disney store since it opened. The parking is reasonable, the shopping centre is not too packed and it just a nice place to shop. I was only going to Disney but normally I always find something else to look at and buy so they missed out on me spending today. As soon I spoke to your security guard I left. Didn’t even pay parking as I was there for such a short time.

  2. R

    100% agree was terrible disappointed when a member of staff told me theh would be closing down. Dont eveb bither that much to go Intu as often as I had used to because of the Disney Store. A big shame they had to close down.

  3. Sarah

    Replaced by a Lidl. How classy and necessary…..


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