HMV Uxbridge RE-OPENS!

HMV Uxbridge closing

Mar 8, 2019 | Information, Intu, News

In a dramatic turn of events, HMV Uxbridge has re-opened its doors as of today, Friday 8th March, almost a month after it was originally closed as part of the HMV sale. There was a list of stores that would be closed in an effort to restructure and make HMV profitable once more.

It is unclear if any of the other stores might be re-opened, or why they were closed in the first place. Perhaps, new contracts were signed with landlords in an effort to get better deals? Whatever the reason, it’s great to see HMV return to Uxbridge, as we are severely lacking in entertainment. I still miss Disney store though 🙁

We wish HMV and all their staff the best of luck 🙂

You can read the original HMV closure article here

MyUxbridge Admin
Author: MyUxbridge Admin

Admin and Webmaster of My Uxbridge


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